Seattle’s premier provider of Energy Healing

Archive for July, 2012

Where Is Joy In Your Life?

I recently started using a technique in my healing practice with my clients that involves using joy. Not only does this make transformation easier, it also makes it faster and more fun.

It simple: you connect joy with the energies that you’re bringing in for healing from above and below. Whether its earth energy, the sun’s energy, universal energy, or whatever it is for you, you connect joy with the energy you’re using and it’s becomes something like a delivery system into your cells throughout your being.

Even if you’re not feeling very joyful while doing the self-healing, you feel joy, or imagine it, or go to a time when you were feeling very joyful. For example, you could think of joy like a little man diving in to a waterfall in Hawaii—a very safe waterfall, so it’s not scary. It’s a height that is comfortable; the pond below the waterfall is really clear of rocks, and really pristine. So it’s diving in and feeling the joy. The pond represents each cell of the body, so you can just imagine one cell and all the light flowing into the heart of every cell. This image can be used for healing, regeneration, and wellness throughout your entire energy field: your mental, spiritual, emotional and physical bodies.

Perhaps you don’t want to dive in because it not might feel safe. Change the image to jumping in, or whatever fits you. Make it fun. Energetic healing is far easier when you have a light-hearted approach. There have been times in which my clients were using joy and the healing was super-fast. The next moment they forgot to use joy, and it became slower for them until I reminded them of it. It was interesting to have the immediate comparison between fast results with joy and slow results in the absence of it.

That’s just the healing aspect. The other aspect is that sometimes we go throughout our day so serious and focused on our to-do lists or being responsible, that we forget to have little of fun, to bring a joyful attitude, or to notice the funny things. When you bring fun into an otherwise dry-feeling day, you have a fuller experience, you are more light-hearted, you’re generally a little more relaxed, and everything responds to you. Your mind will feel clearer, your emotions more even, and your body will experience a little more relaxation, because when connected to joy, you’re actually present in being, more heart-centered versus stuck in your head.

Using joy is a very, very powerful tool. It makes transformation happen and it makes it happen easily.

To experience using joy for personal healing, please contact Julie to schedule an appointment. Telephone: 206.354.7090 or Email:, appointments can be done in person or by telephone.


Photo credit: elikesa