Seattle’s premier provider of Energy Healing

Posts tagged ‘grounding’

Release Judgment to Get More Out of Experiences.

In one of my group meditations someone once told me that she felt like she was new to the practice and hence had a harder time sensing where she was holding energy. After we were no longer in a meditative state, she asked me a question and when I was giving her feedback, I inquired, “Can you feel where you’re holding energy—here and here?”

“Well,” she replied, “I can feel it here. And it’s not that I don’t believe you, but I can’t feel it in the other spot.”

“Close your eyes and focus within.”

She did, and then she said, “Oh, I can feel it now.”

I thanked her for showing everybody that sometimes you may not be able to feel something with your eyes open, but in a deeper state of focus it’s a little bit easier. “It takes practice to increase your awareness and sensitivity,” I added.

Later I learned that she had concluded that she wasn’t “advanced enough” or “evolved enough” for my class. She was comparing herself against other people’s experiences or what they had been able to do, and judging herself for her supposed lack of perception… with all of the insecurity that went with that self-judgment.

To illustrate how this wasn’t about how “experienced” or “advanced” this woman was, in the same group there was someone else who’s extremely gifted, empathetic, and really able to feel things—yet later I learned she would often experience frustration because there’s a part of her that really wants to see the energy rather than just feel it. She was caught in the judgment that seeing energy was better than feeling energy.

The fact of the matter is that wherever we are, and whatever our experience is at any given moment, it is perfect, and anytime we get stuck in comparing ourselves with others, we step out of the magic of the moment. Turning off our judgment (including judging ourselves for our self-judgment) and aligning with out heart, we can then treat everything just as information. That way, our self-doubt and tendency to compare show us where the inner opportunities exist for expansion and personal growth. And with that mindset it’s easier to have a fuller, more appreciative experience and to realize that we’re experiencing not only what is perfect but also what is ideal for us.

Photo credit:   suadoni

The Importance of Grounding in Manifesting Anything

So you may have an idea, a heart’s desire or an aspiration to bring something about – manifesting something. Obviously, first of all, you have to do your piece if there’s action required of you: if you want to write a book the universe can inspire you, but if you don’t put your pen to paper, it’s not going to happen. Likewise, if you want to be meeting more people but you’re not leaving your apartment, you are closing off the avenues to manifestation.

You have a desire and you do your piece. Next, you need to be grounded as a means of connecting all different parts of you – and this grounding is something the people often underestimate in the process of manifestation. Being grounded, being present, and being present in your heart, helps to connect all aspects of you and is key to bringing your energies from above and below, from the universe (source of ideas/concepts) and from the earth (physical/emotional realm).

What’s an example of not being grounded? Say, for instance, that you drive somewhere and arrive without any real sense of what happened between when you left home and you arrived at your destination. That would be an example of not being grounded.

To ground yourself, picture yourself being like a tree – roots sent deep into the ground. Feel yourself as not just connected to the earth, but being a part of the earth. Feel as though one main root reaches deep, to the very core of the earth (or what works for you). Take a few minutes to align with that feeling. Then, think of what’s on your wish list. Does it feel real in your body? Does your heart align with it? Are there any fears or conflicting emotions that interfere with it? Feel (don’t think) your way to a place of clarity and then hand off the list to Source. And handing off the list truly is handing it off – not checking every minute to see what else to add or whether it’s come about yet. Bring your attention somewhere else and let it go so it can come to you.

And then start feeling gratitude as if what you desire is already here and now. Ground yourself, and every step you take you will be radiating and attracting the reality of what you desire.

It’s as simple as that.

Photo credit: cassandra204